Here you will find a brief description of, and links to, code that I have released to the public.
GFFT : Generalized Fast Fourier Transform
A Python package for performing FFTs that handles arbitrary phase shifts and irregularly sampled data.
pyrmsynth : Fast RM synthesis in Python
A Python package for performing RM synthesis. Both an application for processing imaging data, as well as a library for writing your own applications. It's flexible because the interface is written in Python, and fast because it uses FFTs. This is the software used by the LOFAR collaboration.
NIFTY : A Python framework for writing signal inference algorithms
NIFTY, “Numerical Information Field Theory”, is a versatile library designed to enable the development of signal inference algorithms that operate regardless of the underlying spatial grid and its resolution. Its object-oriented framework is written in Python, although it accesses libraries written in Cython, C++, and C for efficiency.
Coming soon:
sgclean : Correct a CLEAN sky model in a grid independent way using maximum likelihood estimation based on the paper Bell, et al. (2012)
fsclean : Faraday synthesis (3D aperture + RM synthesis) including 3D CLEAN deconvolution based on the paper Bell & Enßlin (2012)